Dietary Intakes And Eating Habits Of College Athletes
There are no private higher educational institutions and no legal mechanism to found or accredit any. Other than universities proper, technical universities , officially called "Universities of Applied Sciences" in English, can be established with permission from the cabinet. The list of AMKs can be viewed from the Ministry of Education website. Degrees and diplomas issued by diploma mills have been used to obtain employment, raises, or clients. Even if issuing or receiving a diploma mill qualification is legal, passing it off as an accredited one for personal gain is a crime in many jurisdictions. In some cases the diploma mill may itself be guilty of an offense, if it knew or ought to have known that the qualifications it issues are used for fraudulent purposes. In addition to benefiting students and their families, tuition resets can help spur higher enrollment numbers and make it easier for colleges to control student costs. Effectively, universities can make up for th...